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The Catalyst For Change
That Ended Andrew Morello's Battle With Obesity

In this interview, Andrew Morello (winner of The Apprentice Australia and Head of Business at The Entourage) revealed all about the weight gain and weight loss he has experienced, many of which are issues that most people still lack understanding in our modern-day lifestyle, including the perspective of life between money, time and health, particularly for men. Denial is the most common factor as to why most men do not do anything about their health until they get sick.

For Morello, his biggest catalyst was actually the fact that he did not face health challenges through years of gaining weight and reaching obesity. He is truly a victim of complacency throughout his weight gain. Being a very confident person also made him not a “prime candidate” for weight loss programs. Morello was the vice-captain and an all-round popular boy at high school. which brought him a lot of attention. However, this fostered an environment that no one made him accountable for his weight problems.

In the business world that Morello thrives in, there have been inconveniences being a large guy, especially having to ask for an extension seatbelt for all the 100 flights he takes each year. It has become an embarrassment he got so used to. Nice business suits were for his eyes only, as most of them do not fit him.

The hectic business lifestyle complemented his long term bad relationship with bad food. More than frequent business travels mean unhealthy food-on-the-go and the habit of eating late whenever he returns to his hotel room after a big day will see him order a big meal from the convenience of room service and head straight to bed.

Morello remembered a friend who once said, “You gonna make all this money but you’ll gonna die at 50.”

All along, he thought life was great. To his delight, life after the WLSA Gastric Sleeve and Lifestyle Modification program has been even more incredible. He’s not missing out on anything in life and he has nothing to give up on. It’s now a fun practise around the dinner table as he “grabs a slice” off everyone’s plate. Grazing is his new relationship with food which has proven to be very beneficial for his metabolism. He now consumes less but better food.

Today, Morello is enjoying a more fulfilled and successful life, he is truly living the dream. He is an advocate for having bariatric procedures and very proud of this journey he has embarked on. But there is a warning from Morello, especially to men out there – be prepared to have more energy, libido will go up and you will get more attention, particularly the romantic ones!

Having experienced a series of unfortunate events, Priscilla made the decision to turn her life around by approaching WeightLoss Solutions Australia and here she is on the Wellness Warriors Podcast to share her transformation journey with us in the most vulnerable and authentic way.


Show Notes:

Denial Is Our Most Damaging Defense Mechanism

The Unexpected Catalyst For Radical Change

Celebrity Story: A Large Guy’s Conveniences & Inconveniences

Will You Choose Wealth & Die At 50?

Entrepreneur’s Secret to Living The Dream

Morello Warns More Energy, Especially For Men