Not All Balloons
Are Created Equal, Says
Bariatric Nurse Casey Quinn.
In this digital age, there is an abundance of resources and options when it comes to weight loss and treating obesity. WeightLoss Solutions Australia’s bariatric nurse Casey Quinn breaks down the surgical and non-surgical options available for lasting and sustainable results. Casey shares her love of a patient’s transformation and the importance of a long term bariatric intervention as a proven successful lifestyle modification.
Casey prides herself on helping patients choose the right solution to achieve their weight loss goals by connecting emotionally with people so they feel understood, valued and supported, then evaluating the way they behave so she can suggest the best procedure accordingly.
In this episode, Casey explains the various intra-gastric balloons currently on the market because not all balloons are created equal. There are so many different procedures now ranging from Orbera to Spatz and the new and exciting Elipse Balloon which is a real game changer in the field of bariatrics this year. Casey describes this new approach to weight loss in an honest and easy manner, to help us better understand the opportunity to create a healthier life through the revolutionary Elipse Balloon Program.
If sustainable weight loss is your next journey, visit to find out more.

Show Notes:
01:12 – The privilege of working with a bariatric patient population
As a bariatric nurse, Casey loves witnessing amazing outcomes, seeing her patients’ lives transformed for the better. It is a privilege to be a part of their journey and connect with them on all levels.
03:58 – The Orbera balloon weight loss procedure
Casey explains the long-standing procedure, Orbera balloon, on offer at Weightloss Solution Australia since 2007. This device serves those looking to lose more weight as they can choose to have the ballon in for as long as 12 months.
7:09 – The flexible Spatz balloon for weight management
Adjustable balloon, Spatz device is another alternative Casey would suggest to patients for volume flexibility.
08:41 – Realism, commitment and support for sustainable weight loss
Nurse Casey would look at the patient’s behaviour and history to identify the right solution for them. Casey stresses the importance of being realistic while being committed to the process, which there will be supports from the team along the way to help patients achieve sustainable outcomes.
14:29 – The game-changer in bariatrics – Elipse balloon
The newest technology for bariatric patients is introduced. Felicity and Casey discuss the advantages of the Elipse balloon as there’s no endoscopy and no anesthetic involved in the procedure.
21:56 – Dietitians and psychologists are critical throughout the weight loss journey
The dietitians and psychologists at Weightloss Solution Australia work closely with the patients, even through Telehealth. Felicity and Casey believe the patients must have correct guidance to achieve a sustainable diet. Casey shares that the psychologists at the clinic are specialised in weight and body image and issues around food, assisting patients in making progress emotionally.
24:50 – The right weight loss intervention for the right circumstances
At WLSA, the team ensures that the patients are well-informed about the procedures available and the right intervention for their circumstances.
31:01 – Is Medical weight loss an alternative solution or combination of therapy?
Casey explains the pharmacological treatment that patients can choose to include with other procedures along the process.
33:06 – Achieving flow state in career and life
As a mum, making time for herself can be difficult. However, having a career that fulfils and energises her every day has helped her. Casey focuses on being healthy and authentic for things to flow in her life.
35:36 – What does wellness means to Casey Quinn?
To Casey, wellness means feeling excited about life, starting the day feeling excited, just feeling open to everything coming your way. And you can only feel that way if you’re not in pain if you’re not thinking about your body, you know, like if you just kind of fresh moving forward. So when her body is a healthy vessel, she can do that. And when it’s not, she notices the difference.