Changing the Future of Fertility
With the rise of In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) Gabriella discusses the missing gaps within the standard treatment, and why there needs to be a holistic, integrative medical model for infertility treatment. We discuss some common issues that cause thyroid imbalances, the importance of diet and lifestyle, but most importantly the mindset when trying to conceive.
Gabriela completed her PhD at Harvard to further help more of those struggling with infertility. With her team, they have developed a program to address every aspect of health possible from the first consultation to treating patients. This precise and extensive system allows them to educate patients and understand how she can best support patients to achieve the desired outcome. To see more of her programs visit

Show Notes:
01:17 – From clinical findings to a PhD at Harvard University
Through the findings of her clinical work over the years, Gabriela noticed the amazing results she was seeing at her clinic. Eager to validate the treatment process and have them addressed by standard therapy, she decides to take on a PhD at Harvard to help more of those struggling with infertility for a longstanding period.
05:48 – Closing the gap within the standard IVF treatment
Gabriela expresses that although there is a rise in IVF clinics, there is a gap within the standard treatment that overlooks many aspects that can increase the chance of conception. Here, she addresses why there needs to be a holistic, integrative medical model for infertility treatment and how her path into the practice started.
19:31 – The little things causing thyroid imbalances and infertility
Gabriela details the little things many people are unaware of that are causing imbalances in our thyroid function. She explains how the things we’re doing on our day to day make a huge difference in which our body operates, ultimately affecting the ability to conceive.
22:34 – The motto and mindset to optimise fertility health
Gabriela shares her little motto that she often gives her patients to assist them with the mindset of already being in parenthood. Adjusting every aspect of the lifestyle as if you’re already carrying a healthy baby, even before conception, will optimise your fertility health.
29:32 – Vitamin B supplements can increase the chance of healthy pregnancy
Here, Gabriela details the type of diets we should increase and eliminate. Having a healthy diet regime long-term is vital for everyone, especially those looking to conceive. According to Gabriela, B-vitamin supplementation has helped decrease neural tube defects, so making sure that we have enough B-vitamin will ensure the chance of healthy pregnancy. Gabriela also stresses the danger of some consumptions and their correlation with infertility for both women and men.
47:23 – The Fertility Breakthrough Program by Gabriela Rosa
Gabriela shares the program that she and her team developed to address every aspect of health possible from the first consultation to treating patients. This precise and extensive system allows them to educate patients and understand how she can best support them to achieve the desired outcome.
53:21 – It’s not just about pregnancy, it’s a healthier future for humanity
Gabriela passionately shares the bigger picture of her work. Gabriela addresses that this is not just about getting pregnant but an opportunity for us to create a healthy continuation of the species to the best of our ability.
56:37 – What wellness means to Gabriela Rosa
Short and sweet, to Gabriela, wellness means doing the things that make her feel like sunshine that including taking care of herself so she can contribute to her best ability.